Aiguaviva has a new municipal weather station supplied and installed by Darrera

Aiguaviva has a new municipal weather station supplied and installed by Darrera

The local government and the residents of the municipality in the province of Girona can now check both the current weather conditions in real time and the 6-day local weather forecast through the Weathercloud online platform.

Aiguaviva joins the network of municipalities that record and share their weather data publicly with citizens. The new 3R AWS100 high-performance weather station installed by Darrera at a public building is powered by solar energy for fully autonomous operation based on renewable energies and is equipped with precision sensors for measuring wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure and solar radiation.

The weather data recorded by the station is sent via 3G to the Weathercloud online platform, allowing anyone to check it remotely and in real time. In addition, the information is stored in a historical database that will help improve knowledge of the evolution of the climate in the municipality over the years.