Vila-seca has a new Vantage Pro2 Plus municipal weather station integrated into Weathercloud and Sentilo

Vila-seca has a new Vantage Pro2 Plus municipal weather station integrated into Weathercloud and Sentilo

The newly installed station records the main meteorological parameters and remotely transmits the data to the Weathercloud and Sentilo online platforms, enabling access for both the City Council and the general public, and facilitating integration into the municipality’s urban management systems.

This project, resulting from the collaboration between Darrera and Nexus Geographics, positions Vila-seca within the expanding network of municipalities committed to providing accurate and accessible local weather information for all. Situated strategically in the Conservatori de Música building, the new station is powered by solar energy for fully autonomous operation based on renewable energy and is equipped with sensors to measure wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation. Additionally, it calculates various derived parameters such as dew point, wind chill, heat index, sunshine hours, and evapotranspiration.

Thanks to the EnviroMonitor 4G communication system equipped by the station, the data is shared in real-time on the Weathercloud global weather network, where anyone can access it from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Additionally, the data is sent to the smart city platform Sentilo. The inclusion of Sentilo further expands the possibilities for using the meteorological data, allowing its integration into urban management systems and facilitating informed decision-making by local authorities.