Darrera contributes to the advancement of sustainable mobility in Barcelona with the installation of a HOBO automatic weather station

Darrera contributes to the advancement of sustainable mobility in Barcelona with the installation of a HOBO automatic weather station

The new HOBO USB Micro Station will collect data on the main meteorological parameters during the pilot phase of a new bike lane in the city, providing crucial information to evaluate the efficiency of the drainage pavement used in this infrastructure.

Installed on a 2.5-meter mast with wall brackets, the new station is equipped with precision sensors to measure wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, and rainfall. The station’s datalogger stores data in its large-capacity internal memory and features a built-in USB port for local data downloading, facilitating subsequent analysis by municipal technicians using the HOBOware software.

At Darrera, we take pride in continuing to provide innovative solutions that contribute to driving the development of cities that are more environmentally friendly and promote a higher quality of life for their inhabitants.